تاكسي العربية عجمان (ذ.م.م)
اكتب مراجعتك

Bad attitude and rude behaviour by your driver. We took taxi from Ajman city center to Alain hotel apartments, near GMC hospital, 6:30 PM on 3rd Nov. Told all these details to driver and even we have turned on gps. But he said he know the way and ride on his own. He was on phone to different persons on driving. He was riding recklessly as well. We escaped from multiple accidents by gods grace. Looks like he is under influence of some drugs. He took us to hala Inn apartments, and then only he realized his mistake. Took us back to the actual destination, but we have to pay 26dhms instead of 10 we used to pay for trip between our hotel and citycenter. He did not even apologized for his mistake. Need to thin twice before tooking arabian taxi. Are you encouraging drivers to make extra money like this. ?? Looks like he was also abusing us in his foreign language. Very bad experience.vehicle number : 3371 . AT 371 I have contacted you via contact form and direct email. NO response yet. No wonder why drivers are rude, they are under such an irresponsible management. Very bad